April 9
Time:12:00 pm - 02:00 pm
Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/figure-eight-dealmakers-roundtable-tickets-1113739658299The Referral Navigator
We hold monthly meetings to discuss recent and current transactions, the professional firms involved, tools and resources to use, business development strategy, and future trends. Attendees can benefit by sharing ideas and strategies while expanding and deepening their professional relationships.
We focus on deals from $10 million to $99 million. Hence, “Figure Eight.”
We invite core members in:
1. Corporate Finance and M&A Law
2. Investment Banking
3. CPA firm Transaction Advisory Services
Other firm categories are welcome to attend and include but are not limited to: private equity, business brokers, wealth management, commercial insurance, alternative finance, commercial banking, and family office.
No more than one member firm from each professional category in each of the following regions:
New York, NY
San Francisco, CA
Miami, FL
Dallas, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Seattle, WA
Austin, TX
Chicago, IL
Washington, DC
Atlanta, GA
Denver, CO
Phoenix, AZ
Charlotte, NC
Boston, MA
Toronto, CN
Monthly video conference meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. 12pm to 2pm ET.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2642502750
Eventbrite link: https://DealmakerRoundtable2025Apr09.eventbrite.com
Website: https://F8Deals.com/
Membership $60 per month. First two meetings are complimentary. Payment link: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/billing/plans/subscribe?plan_id=P-1R121653VA7075052MXKV2UQ
Private group access on LinkedIn for members: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/14405183/
Sponsorships limited to one per category. $200 per month. Payment link: https://www.paypal.com/webapps/billing/plans/subscribe?plan_id=P-3RK46814FW725894HMXKV3TI
Please contact Jeff Tockman JD/MBA, the group meeting moderator, with questions or to be a guest. Jeff has moderated over 2,500 events for legal, financial, and tax firms over the last 20 years.
Please see the website for more information and FAQs.